Posts Tagged 'human trafficking'

Media for Labour Rights Prize 2010 to Nina Corpuz

Kasambahay means “part of the household” in Filipino and this is what domestic workers are called. They have few rights either in their home country or abroad, and many fall victim to abuse by their employers and the agencies that illegaly recruit them. Nina Corpuz investigated the conditions of domestic workers, the phenomenon of human trafficking in the Philippines and the measures taken by the government to prevent it. Continue reading ‘Media for Labour Rights Prize 2010 to Nina Corpuz’

Tears of African migrants

For 37 days, the Nigerian journalist Emmanuel Mayah travelled a total of 4,318 kilometres across seven countries and the Sahara desert in the company of illegal African migrants on their way to Europe. From Nigeria to Benin Republic, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and finally Libya, he survived to tell the story of human traffickers, sex slavery in transit camps, starvation, desert bandits, arduous toil in a salt mine, cruel thirst and deaths in the hot desert. The writer was a participant of the ITC-ILO Communicating labour rights’ course 2009. Continue reading ‘Tears of African migrants’

Jordan: Violent repression of Vietnamese workers’ strike

The ITUC and the International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers’ Federation (ITGLWF) strongly protest against the assault perpetrated on 176 Vietnamese migrant workers at W&D Apparel in the Al Tajamouat Industrial Estate in Amman after they went on strike on February 10. Continue reading ‘Jordan: Violent repression of Vietnamese workers’ strike’

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